Cathedral Singers
Comprised of adults (high school and older), membership by audition only. The Cathedral Singers rehearse one Saturday every...
St John’s is a community built on the foundation of Jesus Christ and his love. He has called us his beloved children. Because we are the children of God, we are called to a life of being loved and loving others.
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Making An Impact!
Through our partnership with Olive Crest and Orange County Social Services, St. John's has been making a positive impact on the lives Kinship and Foster Families in the Orange County Area. Click on the video to find out about the Caregiver's Day Off ministry!
Comprised of adults (high school and older), membership by audition only. The Cathedral Singers rehearse one Saturday every...
Previous ringing experience is preferred, and the ability to read music is a necessity; membership is by audition. Cathedral...
We can help. Fill out our contact form and we can help you find the best fit.
The Altar Guild is open to all adults who would like to minister in Communion preparation and the care of our robes and...
St. John's Meal Ministry Providing meal support after surgeries, illnesses, childbirth, or family loss, and dinners for...
Assisting our pastors in the worship services, Lectors read the assigned passages of the Bible in our worship services...
Congregation members may supply flowers to the glory of God to enhance our worship experience. There are also opportunities to...
The Communion Servers assist in Communion Distribution. Open to adult members, the rotation of schedule allows for the...