Seedlings (for Preschoolers)
Every Friday, 8:30 AM - 11:30 AM
Where our youngest children GROW together in God's Word.
8:30 am 5 Years and Under & 10:30 am 2 1/2 Years and Under - Nursery, Located between the Sanctuary and Walker Hall off the Courtyard.
10:30 am 2 1/2 Years (Potty Independent) to 5 Years – In the Cornerstone, entrance located along Almond.
All children need to have a Participation Form on file. Please use the link below to complete the ONLINE form, Thank You!
Questions? Contact:
Irma Bates
Every Friday, 8:30 AM - 11:30 AM
Where our youngest children GROW together in God's Word.
Every Sunday, 10:30 AM
A Sunday School experience you can do with your child!
First Thursday, Third Thursday, from 09/19/2024 to 05/01/2025, 8:30 AM - 10:30 AM
A community where moms find joy and learn together while growing in God's Word. We have fun sharing and supporting each other in the journey of motherhood.
Saturday, April 19, 2025, 10:00 AM
SATURDAY, APRIL 19 - Egg Hunt in Old Towne Orange. FREE ADMISSION. Join us for a fun-filled morning of of games, food, inflatables, crafts, egg hunts, and more!