Teaching Church
Every Sunday, 9:45 AM
An in-depth teaching Bible Study between services on Sunday mornings from 9:45 to 10:25 - held in Walker Hall Dining Room. Grab coffee and a donut, grow in God's Word, and connect with your church family.
Getting involved in a Bible study, small group, or service project can transform your life and allow you to both receive God’s grace and also to serve others with that grace.
We're committed to helping you get connected to the Word of God and to relationships with other believers. There are a variety of Bible studies, groups, and events to help you in that process. We ask that you prayerfully consider taking this next step in your faith journey and see your life transformed by God’s Word and His people.
FREE Study Guide Booklets Available Beginning Sunday, AUG. 25
Followers of Jesus who serve and lead in their home, work, church, and community. Men's ministry at St. John's is growing. Join a men's group or let us help you start one of your own!
Our vision is that God would use our ministry to meet the real needs of women, to train and us, to lead us into a deeper relationship with Him.
Overflow is a group for people in there late-teens and twenties. Find a community, encouragement, and accountability as we navigate adulting TOGETHER!
Our senior's ministry - people who celebrate LIFE with Christ, LOVE for one another, and opportunities for SERVICE and for GROWTH.
Rightnow Media is like the Netflix of Christian Bible studies. With access to 10,000+ Bible Study videos, from 150 leading Christian publishers and ministries, you'll find valuable tools for your neighborhood groups, personal development, and areas of life training like marriage and parenting.