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St. John's Confirmation program instructs the student in the study of God's word and Lutheran Doctrine, equips them to become disciples serving in the community and our church, and empowers them to develop attitudes like that of Chris Jesus our Lord.


"I gained a deeper understanding of being a Christian in the world today. One of my favorite parts about confirmation was being able to worship and learn in a fun environment around my peers. The small groups were a great way to share and connect."

- 2022 Confirmation Student


St. John's Confirmation program instructs the student in the study of God's word and Lutheran Doctrine, equips them to become disciples serving in the community and our church, and empowers them to develop attitudes like that of Christ Jesus our Lord. 

The Confirmation program is designed for students in 8th grade. However, students who are slightly younger or older have been accepted into the program. The program is completely separate from the school. Confirmation is not the graduation ceremony, but a Faith Stepping Stone in our youth's personal faith journey and enables them to take ownership of their faith, confirm what they believe in, and become members of St. John's Lutheran Church.

There are 6 components that make-up our Confirmation Program 1) Regular worship attendance - 2x a month. 2) serving 6 times throughout the year as an acolyte. 3) Attend 7 Large Group Teaching Sessions. 4) Attend 7 Small Group Fellowship Sessions hosted by parents 5) Complete 2 service projects; 1 as a small group and 1 as a whole Confirmation class 6) Attend the Confirmation Retreat at Thousand Pines Camp. 




Large Group Meeting Schedule

2024 - Oct. 6, Nov. 3, Dec. 1,

2025 - Jan. 12, Feb. 2, Mar. 2, Apr. 6

2024-25 Confirmation Schedule (click to download)

Confirmation Retreat   March 14-16, 2025 at Thousand Pine Camp in Crestline, CA

Confirmation Rehearsal - Friday, May 16, 3:30 pm in the Sanctuary

Confirmation Sunday - Sunday, May 18, 2 pm. in the Sanctuary

Confirmation Small Group Leader

Would you be interested in serving as a Confirmation Small Group Leader? The leader is someone that is committed to the further spiritual development of the youth in their care. There are three main roles of the Confirmation Small Group Leader. 1) They attend the Large Group times and facilitate some discussion with their small group through the teaching time. 2) They will meet with their small group 7 times throughout the school year. 3) Help lead one service project for their small group. If you are interested, CLICK HERE to complete the application. Please contact Jim Meyer with any questions. 

Sanctuary Acolyte Sign-ups

The word acolyte means a “companion” or “one who helps.” As an acolyte, you will be serving as a companion or helper to the pastor: performing a number of important functions before, during, and at the close of the Sunday worship services such as lighting altar candles and helping with communion. On special Sunday's, acolytes will help carry in the crucifix and torches.




Please Contact:
 Jim Meyer



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ministry team

Jim Meyer

Director of Family Ministry

office: 714-288-4480