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Delivering the restorative hope of Jesus to a world in need.

Serving others with our lives,
in the end,
is a matter of the heart.

St John’s is a community built on the foundation of Jesus Christ and his love.  He has called us his beloved children.  Because we are the children of God, we are called to a life of being loved and loving others.

Please use the Categories menu below to find the ministry area you're interested in. Or just take a look around, you never know where God might be calling you to serve and lean into St. John's mission of delivering the restorative hope of Jesus to a world in need.

Ministry to Vulnerable Children

Diaper & Wipes Drive

This Holiday Season, help families in our community by purchasing diapers (any size) and wipes. Drop off donations at the Welcome Table in the Courtyard on Sundays or Church Office during the week.

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Assisting our pastors in the worship services, Lectors read the assigned passages of the Bible in our worship services...

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We can help. Fill out our contact form and we can help you find the best fit.

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Communion Servers

The Communion Servers assist in Communion Distribution. Open to adult members, the rotation of schedule allows for the...

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