
Service Times


    • 8:30 am Sanctuary
    • 10:30am - Sanctuary
    • 10:30am - Walker Hall
    • 6:30pm - Walker Hall
    • 8:30 &10:30am - CHURCH ONLINE

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    185 S. Center St.
    Orange Ca  92866
  • Walker Hall Address
    184 S. Shaffer St.
    Orange Ca 92866
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    154 S.  Shaffer St.
    Orange Ca 92866



I Am the Light

Posted by Children's Ministry on

A Light for All Time

In the well-lit city streets of Orange County, it’s truly rare that we are without some kind of light. Between streetlights, headlights, stoplights, cell phone lights, porch lights, and storefronts… our paths are pretty well illuminated wherever we go. In fact, recently, to see the lunar eclipse, our family drove and drove up Chapman and beyond suburban Orange and into Silverado Canyon. We were in search of enough darkness in order to really appreciate the view of the unique, beautiful, red-colored moon that night. It took some time to get to a point dark enough. Ironically, so many others were in search of the same darkness, that by the time we found a dirt road to park on, we were flooded by the headlights of other cars! It just goes to show that where we live, it’s hard to picture what total darkness really looks and feels like. And in our nature, just as we’ll see in the case of the Pharisees in John 8, it’s always difficult for us to realize just how dark with sin we truly are…

When Jesus shared this “I AM” statement in John 8:12, the timing is quite interesting. It was just after many Pharisees had attempted to justify the stoning an adulterous woman. But when Jesus asked which of them was without sin and could cast the first stone, one by one, they had to walk away, convicted of their own humanity. You could say Jesus had shed “Light” on the stoning situation, forcing the Pharisees to recognize the darkness in their own hearts…. So as Jesus was continuing His teaching, He was revealing to the remaining Pharisees that He Himself was THE Light for the thick, blackness of sin that they all, we all, are  covered in.

So when Jesus called Himself “the Light”, it was very likely a reference to the very significant lights at the temple that the Jews would have been familiar with. Upon certain feasts or celebrations, huge, tall lights would be shining from the temple and illuminating the whole city- the light signified that salvation was to come from the Jews, and indeed, it was!

How cool, that Jesus used such a tangible image to demonstrate His saving Light?! Just close your eyes and picture a path of total darkness. It’s the effect of sin in each of our lives, none of us measure up- we all lose our temper, we are all tempted to judge, we all go astray in our parenting…. On our own, we are not our own source of strength or wisdom or salvation-- we need Him so much more than we know.

Jesus is truly that lantern that gives us enough light for each step of our journey. Just as Psalm 119 tells us,

“Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path…”

Jesus is THE Word, THE Light whose rays are shining for all of us to be guided and saved by. And we, as parents have the joy, privilege and responsibility to hold that Light out for our children. Whenever we open the Word at home with our children, in a Bible story or brief devotion, we are pointing them to the One True Light, in a world that will never lead them to it, but rather away from it.

I pray that you will look forward in joy to the next opportunity you have, to sit and soak up the rays of His Light together with your family. You will never regret time spent together in His Word. There are so many cool Biblical resources for each different age. Any of us in children’s ministry would love to point you to them!

As you lead, be assured by the fact that His Promises are true, His love is complete, and when you share His Word, you are pointing your children to a Light that will illumine their lives for a lifetime.

-Sarah Bourne, Early Childhood Director

Fun, Fast, Family Activity!

Impress your kids with this awesome demo. And a great conversation piece….

Find a spot where your hand can cast a shadow on the wall at home. Then light a match, and hold it up to that same spot. Ask your child to tell you what they notice- do you see it??

The light casts no shadow. Isn’t that fascinating?!

 Just as we are told….

The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome  it.
- John 1:5

Dear Lord, 

We thank you for shining your saving Light into our lives. Thank you for your precious families. Help us, as parents, to lead our children on a path that is illuminated by Your Word and Your love. Forgive us, when we fail to love them as You would have us. Help us to truly rest in the fact that You are Almighty and You are with us, lighting each step of the way as we care for our dear ones.


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