
Service Times


    • 8:30 am Sanctuary
    • 10:30am - Sanctuary
    • 10:30am - Walker Hall
    • 6:30pm - Walker Hall
    • 8:30 &10:30am - CHURCH ONLINE

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    185 S. Center St.
    Orange Ca  92866
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    184 S. Shaffer St.
    Orange Ca 92866
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    154 S.  Shaffer St.
    Orange Ca 92866



Day 3: Fourth - Sixth Grade

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Day 3 Foundation of Worth-Jesus Prayed in the Garden

Sunday school teacher Mr. Ben teaches us how, on the last night Jesus spent with His disciples, He went to the Garden of Gethsemane to pray. He asked His disciples to remain awake and pray while He went further into the garden. Jesus was distressed because He knew He was going to die on the cross to save people from their sins. Jesus returned to the disciples three times and found them asleep each time. The last time He told the disciples to get up and follow Him. Jesus knew the time had come to follow through with God’s plan. (Matthew 26:36-46)

Point: Jesus chose to die for me.

Bonus Verse: No one has greater love than this: to lay down his life for his friends. John 15:13