
Service Times


    • 8:30 am Sanctuary
    • 10:30am - Sanctuary
    • 10:30am - Walker Hall
    • 6:30pm - Walker Hall
    • 8:30 &10:30am - CHURCH ONLINE

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    185 S. Center St.
    Orange Ca  92866
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    184 S. Shaffer St.
    Orange Ca 92866
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    154 S.  Shaffer St.
    Orange Ca 92866



I AM the Shepherd

Posted by Children's Ministry on

True Identity

Imagine being a sheep. Just trotting along, looking for the next patch of grass to munch, following after the voice of your shepherd, going when he goes… Talk about secure…What a life!  It’s an incredible picture, and it’s God’s plan for each of us- to trust Him completely. He want us to find our security in belonging to Him, to know for certain that we belong to HIm.  

                And that’s exactly what we want for our own children, isn’t it?! We want them safe, clothed, fed, healthy. And probably our deepest desire them is that they would be secure…that they would know they are treasured and loved deeply. And that kind of security comes from knowing who they are, their true identity.

Jesus makes our identity clear in John 10:3,

                 “He calls his own sheep by name and leads them out”…..

He knows each of us. He knew we would need to be reminded over and over, because He knows the perpetual wolves of this world. He knows the lies we (and our children) are tempted to believe- “You are a good parent, if your kids are doing well in school”…”you are beautiful, if you can get into this pant size”, “You are a good athlete, if you can run the fastest”…”you are ok, if you are accepted by the cool kids”. The wolves are all those lies that the world is constantly trying to steal us away with.

 When we forget that we are chosen, adopted, redeemed and deeply loved by our Incredible Shepherd, we become vulnerable and follow after this world’s lies. But God says this, in Ephesians 1:4, (He) chose us to belong to Christ before the world was created. He chose us to be holy and without blame in His eyes. He loved us. So long ago He decided to adopt us as His children. He did it because of what Jesus Christ has done. Our true identity has nothing to do with our achievements and trophies, but is 100% based on how God sees us and what Jesus did. What a relief!! So then we, as parents, have a great opportunity to instill that deep, heart knowledge in our kids-

 “Helping our children realize that they belong to God and that He loves them is incredibly important. When our children fully grasp these facts, they’re better able to stand up to the world’s lies. They’ll know who they are and whose they are-throughout their entire lifetimes,”
              -Angelina Pavone, Mom and Children’s Ministry leader,
               HomeFront Magazine, November 2014.

So a practical and incredible powerful way to help our children be assured of that truth, is to bless them. A “blessing” is simply sharing words of truth from Scripture. I encourage you to speak a blessing over your children, reassure them of how precious they are to God, and to you! Try it tonight at bedtime, on a note in their lunchbox, or in the car on the way to school! Here’s a sample:

(Your child’s name here), may you always know that our loving and incredible God, knew you before you were born. He created this earth, and He created you! As you go through your day, and you face hard things, may you be strengthened by knowing that you belong to Him. He knows your name. He is with you today and always. His love for you will never stop, (Your child’s name here). You are His. Amen.

 You can do this moms and dads. Place your confidence in your Shepherd and have peace in knowing that you are reassuring your children, of their true identity, in Jesus.

-Sarah Bourne, Mom to Sam, Emmy and Allie & Early Childhood Director

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